
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hitler Is Informed About the Big Debate on Thursday

 My latest Hitler parody masterpiece!


Anonymous said...

The ice cream bit was funny, but if you're going to make fun of a candidate for skipping out on debates, only one candidate has actually done that several times.

I just watched to see if you regurgitated a particular talking point, and you didn't disappoint. The propagandists are already preparing for the possibility that Biden will do well, and it will be due to some "drug" that miraculously makes a person with dementia clear and focused. What drug can do such a thing only seems to exist in the imagination though.

Gary Fouse said...

You have zero sense of humor. The reference to Fauci and the miracle shot was a reference to Dr Theo Morell, who was a quack doctor in Berlin who became Hitler's personal doctor and in the final years, shot him up with a bunch of amphetamine cocktails.

You really need to lighten up. And you say I should take a break.

Anonymous said...

I said it was funny, didn't I? The ice cream bit was solid.

Me not getting your obscure Nazi reference doesn't reveal a lack of humor on my part. I actually thought it was funny when I thought you were working in a more topical reference. Now I'm just thinking that you don't know how to stick to the theme of the joke. (Kinda like how you make Hitler refer to Biden, although I thought he's supposed to be Biden in this scenario?)

What's really funny is that you remind me of Tim Heidecker's recent standup bit where he gets mad at the audience when his jokes don't land. (Except that's all part of the joke in his case, as he's mocking bad comedians. It's very meta.)

Gary Fouse said...

You should get a job as one of those "fact-checkers" for the NY Times or Washington Post. Oft times they take somebody's joking statement and minutely tear it apart for lack of factuality.

You should really consider going fishing-not to be snarky, of course.

Anonymous said...

Geez, Fouse. You're so sensitive. I don't recommend trying out your standup routine at open mic night. You'll wind up yelling at the audience for not getting your "jokes".

I'm not "fact checking". I'm pointing out that you don't even understand your own jokes.

Gary Fouse said...

Geez, Anonymous. If I were so sensitive, I wouldn't even post your comments. I can take criticism, and I only delete posts that are hateful.

ShirleyRuth said...

Brilliant, as always!

Gary Fouse said...

I had to switch gears for a day and get away from all the bad stuff. Doing these parodies is actually good therapy for me. I hope you two are well. I hope we get a chance to meet in Sept.