
Sunday, March 3, 2024

Switzerland: 15-Year-Old Arab Stabs 50-Year-Old Orthodox Jew in Zurich

"Just doing my duty"

On Saturday night in Zurich, a 15-year-old youth attacked a 50-year-old Orthodox Jew with a knife seriously wounding him. According to witness statements, the young male, who is a Swiss citizen from a Tunisian family, stated that he was there to kill Jews. He also reportedly shouted, "Allahu akhbar" and "death to all Jews". The suspect was held by witnesses until police arrived to take him into custody.

In the interest of time constraints today, we are posting a partial translation of an article from today's Neue Zuercher Zeitung

A young Swiss male of Arab origin stabs an Orthodox Jew in Zurich and declares allegiance to Al-Aqsa Brigades

The victim is critically injured. Police have heightened security measures at Jewish establishments in the city.


Jonathan Kreutner, General Secretary of the Swiss-Israeli Community Association (SIG), said in response that we have to await the results of the investigation before we draw an ultimate conclusion. He also said, however: "We are assuming that it is an anti-Semitic hate crime. In a severity that  we in Switzerland have never known."

According to witness statements, this is also shown by statements the perpetrator made during the attack. The youth acknowledged to the victim's family members that he belonged to the Al-Aqsa Brigades and told them it was his Muslim duty to take action. Witnesses also told the Jewish magazine, Tachles, that the perpetrator shouted: "I am Swiss. I am a Muslim. I am here to kill Jews". According to 20 Minutes, he also reportedly shouted, "Allahu akhbar" and "Death to all Jews".


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