
Friday, December 1, 2023

Anti-Semitism at Stanford

I am cross-posting an article running in the Stanford Daily, the campus newspaper of Stanford University. It concerns a meeting that Stanford President Richard Seller held with 275 Jewish alumni on the problem of campus anti-Semitism. There are a multitude of complaints at Stanford including the appearance of swastikas on campus.

Not surprisingly, the Israeli-Palestinian issue is the main engine driving the complaint of anti-Semitism. It is good that President Seller has expressed a willingness to address anti-Semitism on campus, but as usual, there is also the standard reference to Islamophobia that Sellers thinks must also be addressed, as if there exists some equivalency. This is standard fare when universities concede there is a problem with anti-Semitism on campus. It is as if both Jews and Muslims are victims of a common enemy, which in many cases, is defined (falsely) as bigotry coming from white, nationalist, MAGA hat-wearing racists.

I take exception to that not because I think Muslim students should be exposed to bigotry, which I don't, rather because in my experience at UC Irvine, I never saw this kind of activity directed at Muslim students. In fact, it was generally, some-not all- Muslim students and their far-left Woke allies who were guilty of driving anti-Semitism on campus in the name of supporting the Palestinian cause. 

So I hope that Stanford President Sellers will take concrete steps to confront the anti-Semitic problem on his campus without having to pay lip service to "Islamophobia", which, in my opinion, is a false flag.

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