
Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Latest Trump Indictment: This is Scary

Jack Smith

This latest round of charges against ex-President Trump brought by Jack Smith should disturb even Trump's worst enemies. In essence, Smith, who has a long track record of being a political hack disguised as a prosecutor, has charged Trump for saying that the 2020 election was stolen. Thank about that.

At the time, there were plenty of accusations going around about monkey business going on in the vote count centers of places like Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee. Today, millions of Americans believe, rightfully or wrongfully, that the election was stolen. Do I believe it? Honestly, I don't know. Former AG, William Barr, when asked the same during testimony before Congress, stated "not to the extent that it changed the election result". I respect Barr's opinion, so my personal belief is that there may have been fraud, but I don't know if the election was actually stolen. I don't have the proof.

But back to Trump. Jack Smith charges that Trump propagated a lie- which he knew was a lie. And that is the crux of the latest charges. Think what you will about Trump. From the day after the election to now, he has been consistent. He truly believes that the election was stolen. He exercised not only his right to free speech but also exercised his legal and constitutional avenues of appeal, which failed. 

If Jack Smith intends to prove that Trump actually knew that there was no voter fraud, how does he go about doing that? Can he read Trump's mind? In actuality, he would need some first-hand testimony from someone whom Trump confided in backed up by a tape-recorded conversation with the ex-president. I seriously doubt that exists. So just what law prevents Trump from proclaiming, "I was robbed"?

Of course, the absurdity of it all didn't prevent a couple of MSNBC legal "experts" from describing the indictment in hagiographic terms, as some sort of masterpiece of writing that flows across the paper etc...You would have thought it was written by Shakespeare. More likely by Robespierre, whom Mr. Smith is resembling more with each passing day.

This indictment is so egregious that it calls out for a dismissal by a judge or higher court. Unfortunately, in Washington DC, that is not likely, at least until it reaches the US Supreme Court. Of course, when the day finally arrives that the Supreme Court rules in Trump's favor, the MSNBCs of the world will scream political interference. But that's where we are right now. A weaponized Justice Department, under Merrick Garland, is doing all it can to remove Trump from the 2024 election. In fact, ever since the 2016 presidential election campaign, the DOJ and FBI have been doing all they can to submarine and destroy Trump, while, at the same time, whitewashing the crimes of Hillary Clinton and the Biden family. Compare, if you will, the wildly disparate treatment of Clinton and the Bidens with that being meted out to Trump. 

If the DOJ can go after Trump for expressing his belief that the election was stolen from him, is anyone who believes the same and says so publicly safe?

As any regular reader of this humble blog knows, I am retired from the Drug Enforcement Administration, which is in the Department of Justice. In all my life, there is nothing I am prouder of than having been a DEA agent. When I served, the DOJ was a decent and honorable department, no matter who was president and who was attorney general. Today, however, I am ashamed of what this Department of Justice has become. 


Anonymous said...

"In essence, Smith, who has a long track record of being a political hack disguised as a prosecutor, has charged Trump for saying that the 2020 election was stolen."

I don't even know how to begin unpacking this statement. It's so absolutely ridiculous that I can't believe that you've even looked into this issue at all beyond what some hack pundits are saying about it.

The fact that you're still giving ANY oxygen to "maybe it was stolen and maybe there was fraud" puts you in the same category as flat-earthers and moon-landing deniers. The evidence against Trump's claim is so overwhelming that it's clear that nothing will stop you from drinking the Kool-Aid.

You are in a cult.

Gary Fouse said...

Don't even try to unpack it. You don't even know how to intelligently read an article. I already have given you too much oxygen.

Anonymous said...

I guess that explains the lack of oxygen in your own head, which explains this absurdly unhinged post that's completely disconnected from reality.

God, even the spineless Mike Pence has stopped making excuses for Trump.