
Monday, July 10, 2023

What Gets You Suspended From School Today

"What beautiful clothes the empress is wearing."

Hat tip Turning Point USA

A high school in Glendale, California has suspended two students who were guilty of "misgendering" a transsexual.  Turning Point USA has the details here.

Back when I was in school, you got suspended for things like fighting, playing hooky, or smoking in the bathroom. But this? 

Don't get me wrong; if they were harassing or physically assaulting the transgender kid, I would suspend them too. But not for incorrectly (or correctly depending on your point of view) using a particular pronoun. 

Another point is that it is the parents who need to address this issue with their children, not the schools. Schools should not be in the business of imposing values (including the LGBTQ agenda) unless it is affecting behavior. For example, fighting is not the way to resolve differences, and the schools don't want fights on their grounds. As I implied above, the school has the right and the duty to protect vulnerable students from harassment.  Using "the wrong" pronoun is not a behavioral issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If what I found is the same story, it seems as if the kids were deliberately targeting and harassing a teacher. None of them had that teacher but walked in one at a time and misgendered them, only to have the teacher correct them each time.

I would agree that an accidental misgendering would be a ridiculous reason to suspend a person. That doesn't seem to be the case here.