
Thursday, July 6, 2023

Terrror Arrests in Germany and Netherlands

Police in Germany and the Netherlands have carried out several arrests against members of a terror cell that was planning to carry out terror attacks in the name of ISIS. The below article from today's Deutsche Welle is translated by Fousesquawk. We are working on a translation from the Dutch media as well.

Terrorism Germany

Terror cell in North Rhine Westphalia discovered and 7 men arrested.

8 hours ago

According to the Federal Prosecutor's Office, the accused wanted "to carry out high-profile attacks" in Germany in the name of the Islamic State terror organization. Several possible sites were reportedly already scouted.

Caption:  The Federal General Prosecutor's Office is the highest prosecuting authority in the federal court.

The 7 men are accused of establishing a terror association in Germany and planning attacks as the highest German prosecuting authority reports. In addition, they reportedly supported the Islamic State terror organization. Another man and his wife were arrested by Dutch authorities according to reports.

Among the men arrested in Germany are accused persons from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan. They have a radical Islamic orientation. Shortly after the beginning of the war in Ukraine, they reportedly traveled to Germany and joined a terrorist association. The goal was reportedly, "to carry out high-profile attacks in the name of the Islamic State, (the report) further states. One of the men arrested in the Netherlands also reportedly belonged to the association.

Sites already scouted

The group was in contact with members of regional offshoots of the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISPK). Possible attack sites were reportedly already targeted and potential sites were scouted. The accused also reportedly attempted to get weapons. A concrete attack plan was not yet formed, however. The accused are expected to be brought before an investigating judge at the federal court in Karlsruhe over the course of Thursday-Friday.

Faeser wants to stop terrorism financing

"The measures clearly show that the fight against Islamist terrorism remains clearly in the focus of our security authorities," said Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser on Thursday. "Also in the current case, it was a matter of consistently stopping terrorist financing for the Islamic State in addition to possible attack plans," said the SPD politician. Simultaneous arrests in the Netherlands prove that there was a close national and international network. She referred to the foiled attacks in Castrup-Reuxel and Hamburg this year as well as the uncovered Islamic State financing network uncovered at the end of May. 

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