
Monday, July 3, 2023

France: Rioters Vandalize Memorial to Jewish Victims of Holocaust in Nanterre

This story was posted June 29 by 124 News (France), but I cannot let it go unposted here. On Thursday, protesters vandalized a monument in Nanterre to the victims of the Nazi deportation of that community's Jewish population during World War 2. You cannot get any more disgusting than this. The European Jewish Congress has posted a video on Twitter which can be accessed here.

The below article is translated by Fousesquawk.

The death of Nahel: Monument to martyrs of the Nanterre deportation vandalized

i24 News 29 June 2023 at 08;47, last modification 29 June 2023 at 8:48

The policeman who fired the shot has been charged with voluntary homicide

The monument to the martyrs of the Nanterre deportation was vandalized Thursday on the margins of the White March organized in the town to pay homage to Nahel, 17, killed by police after a refusal to comply on Tuesday. 

About 6,000 persons gathered in the town to pay homage to the adolescent during a White March. Unfortunately, the demonstration rapidly degenerated into violent confrontations and acts of violence.

Individuals gathered in front of the monument to the martyrs of the deportation and the resistance, located in front of the prefecture. One of them tried to set fire to the French flag that flies in front of the monument before people intervened.

The phrase, "police scum from Sainte-Soline to Nanterre," was tagged on the memorial. In addition, another building was tagged: "Band of (female) dogs, we are going to make you a shoah (Holocaust".

For two days, several cities in France have been vandalized and violent riots have broken out. The police officer who fired the shot that killed a 17-year-old adolescent Tuesday was charged Thursday for voluntary homicide and placed in pre-trial detention, the prosecutor's office announced.

"The police officer referred today as part of the opening of a judicial investigation for voluntary homicide has been charged on this count and placed in pre-trial detention," according to a press release from the prosecutor's office.  

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