
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Official Communique From Iranian Embassy in Paris

Hat tip F Desouche

Below is a copy of the official communique from the Iranian Embassy in Paris in response to the latest cartoons by Charlie Hebdo. Translation by Fousesquawk.

January 4, 2023-16:03

Communique from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran/ Odious action by Charlie Hebdo in the publication of insulting caricatures against the Supreme Guide

Press release

Press release from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Paris condemning the odious action of Charlie Hebdo in organizing a competition and publication of insulting caricatures against the Supreme Guide of the Islamic Republic.

Following its odious action of launching an " international competition of caricatures of the Supreme Guide of the Islamic Republic of Iran," the magazine Charlie Hebdo devoted its special edition of January 4, 2023 to particularly revolting designs and hateful and insulting phrases.

In accordance with the principles and rules of interaction law, this action by Charlie Hebdo is not only unjustifiable under the principle of freedom of expression, moreover, is an outrage and an insult against personages and peoples and the establishment of a campaign of insults and lies, as well, as spreading of hate, symbolizing the very negation of human rights. 

Furthermore, the action of Charlie Hebdo illustrates the instrumentalization and selective usage of the principle of freedom of expression. However, this aggressive (publication) takes advantage of the hostility against religion and religious values, and in the past, has always attempted to use it as a pretext to justify its insults against the beliefs and values of various nations.

In addition, Charlie Hebdo, which claims in a lying manner to want to defend the rights of women, has published in its special edition particularly obscene and degrading designs in regards to women, which reveals its vile face and the true nature of this publication which instrumentalizes women with a "woman-object" look.

The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in firmly condemning this action by Charlie Hebdo, expects the competent French authorities to take the necessary and immediate measures against this publication in order to prevent the continuation of this campaign of insults and hatred, which will certainly have harmful and destructive effects upon the relations between the two countries and the two peoples.

Embassy of  the Islamic Republic of Iran -Paris

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