
Sunday, January 8, 2023

Germany: Islamic Terror Chemical Attack Thwarted

Thanks to a tip from the FBI, German police have prevented a planned terror attack using cyanide and Ricin. According to the below article in Welt, police in Castrop-Rauxel (North Rhine Westphalia) arrested an Iranian national who they believe was planning a chemical attack. The man is suspected of being a sympathizer of the Islamic state. Other German sources are reporting that the man's 25-year-old brother was also arrested. It is not clear whether the above toxic substances were seized.

The below article from Welt is translated by Fousesquawk. This is an opinion article that is quite critical of German authorities since they allegedly do not have the capabilities of ferreting out these plots without the aid of foreign authorities.

The federal government underestimates the Islamic danger

January 8, 2023

By Lennart Pfahler

Editor, Investigation and Reportage

The decisive tip for the danger of attack in North Rhine Westphalen came from the FBI. The authorities (there) have better chances of recognizing danger than the German services. It was wrong from the start to dissolve the circle of experts on Islamism.

Again a plan of attack. Again, thwarted at the last minute. Over the weekend, SEK officers arrested a 32-year-old Iranian. He reportedly attempted to obtain the bio-weapons Cyanide and Ricin. According to security circles, the man sympathizes with the Islamic State. So the FBI gave a decisive tip to the (German) Federal Criminal Police. The security authorities once again profited from their foreign contacts. There, the authorities have far better chances of monitoring dangers. Chances for which the investigators and intelligence services here have fought for years.


In the search in the Ruhr district against a possible planned attack, the investigators found no toxic substances in the apartment of the suspect. That was confirmed by Senior Prosecutor Holger Heming. General Prosecutor's Office in Duesseldorf in an interview with Welt.

Source: Welt

On the other hand, the federal government has recently acknowledged the Islamism theme with indifference. A group of experts based at the Federal Interior Ministry under the Ampel-Coalition* will not be continued. It has been canceled without replacement.

* A political coalition between three parties, SPD, FDP, and Green (Red, yellow, green).

A series of attacks against synagogues had already shocked the Ruhr District in November: Shots fired at a rabbi's house in Essen and an arson near the synagogue in Bochum. Investigators anticipated a planned attack in Dortmund. They suspect a group with the best connections with the Iranian State to be behind the series (of attacks). WELT investigations showed: At least one suspect went in and out of a radical Shia mosque. Followers of the Hizbollah terror organization and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards meet there.

How is Germany reacting? Perhaps, the decisive blow against Shia-Iranian extremism is still to come. The doors of the Islamic Center of Hamburg )IZH) are still open. The IZH is considered the most important representative of the Mullah regime. And the Revolutionary Guards are still not classified as a terror organization. The prerequisites for that have not been met, explains the Foreign Office. That is nonsense. This federal government needs an Islamism expert circle more urgently than ever. 

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