
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse and ASU

The big news at Arizona State University is not the football team. Instead, it is the revelation by Kyle Rittenhouse that he was planning to attend ASU. Well, that set off the little rascals on campus big time. 

Here is the breaking headline from the ASU campus paper, State Press. It includes a vague denial by the school administration as to whether Rittenhouse was currently enrolled.

"A protest organized by four large student groups – Students for Socialism at ASU, MEChA de ASU, Students for Justice in Palestine at ASU and the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition – was scheduled for Wednesday demanding ASU "get murderer Kyle Rittenhouse off our campus," a tweet says."

I particularly note that Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has joined the other left-wing student organizations in piling on. Of course, they know little and appreciate less the fact that Rittenhouse has been acquitted by a jury of his peers.  Hang him anyway.

Sadly, it will be virtually impossible for Rittenhouse to attend any university on campus due to the presence of Jacobins at every turn. But in this age of Covid, nothing should be able to stop him from taking online classes. If that is what he chooses to do, ASU or any other university should accept him as long as he meets the academic prerequisites. And they can tell the lefty students at SJP etc and the lefty professors to shove it.

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