
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Italy Deals With an "Honor Crime"

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

This past week, Italy was rocked by an instance of "honor killing". An entire Pakistani family in the town of Novellara (Reggio-Emilia Province) allegedly engaged in an agreement to kill the daughter of the family, Saman Abba, after she refused an arranged marriage with her cousin. Saman is missing, and she is presumed dead per the reported confession of her younger brother. A search for her body is underway.

The below article by Andrea Indini in Il Giornale is translated by Fousesquawk.

"Saman victim of femicide". Letta & Co. are afraid to say Islam

For the Democrats, the (murder) of Saman is femicide, while for Leu, arranged marriages are "barbaric, patriarchial practices". Nobody can say Islamic fundamentalism.

10 June 2021 12:32

Andrea Indini

The latest linguistic up and down is the work of Enrico Letta. After days of exhausting silence, in which he must have thought incessantly how to express himself, he has relegated the alleged murder of Saman Abbas to the category of "femicide". "For us, there is the strongest condemnation of what appears to be a brutal femicide," he said yesterday morning to the microphones of "Coffee Break" on La7. "There is no possibility of tolerating these events, I do not question the need to commit everyone that the rules are respected by all."Not one word on the religious matrix of the crime, not one word about Islamic fundamentalism, which pushes parents to organize arranged marriages and punish daughters who rebel. On the left, the PD (Partito Democratico) is not the only one to spin the Italian language not to call by name the Islamic fury, which in Italy, has taken the life of another girl. It is as if everyone is afraid to pronounce the word Islam.  

If we look at the statements of the past days, the embarrassment of the left in the face of the case of the young woman from Novellara appears evident. The first reaction was silence. We have written about this in the past few days. A silence of guilt and complicity. Now, however, pressured by the center-right, the (supporters) of integration at all costs are seen to be forced to take positions. The result has been nothing less than catastrophic. Here are some examples among the Democrats: "If this event is confirmed as femicide, it will be treated with the maximum harshness" (Enrico Letta); "Intolerable that in our country, in the homeland of rights, there exist zones of shadows in which traditional, parallel and bloody  'laws' are applied." (Debora Serracchiani); The event is troubling and no 'cultural' alibi can be given for what in Italy we call in one manner: femicide and hateful violence against women." (Alessandra Moretti); "I feel horror for what is a crime against nature, raised in a patriarchal and obscurist family context more concerned with its own honor than the happiness of their own daughters" (Lia Quartapelle); The condemnation is clear and in no uncertain terms and confirms the justness of our battle to sustain liberty for all women of whatever culture, people, (or) religion." (Stefania Pezzopane).  

Also within the 5 Star Movement (party) and Liberi e Uguale (Leu-Free and Equal), the tones used are similar. Erasmo Palazzotto, for example, lashing out against the laxity of the institutions that do not sufficiently combat Islamic radicalism, spoke of "timidity with which we avoid combatting barbaric, patriarchal practices everywhere and by whomever the perpetrators are". Also, the Grillini parliamentarians, who form part of the group, Pari Opportunita (Equal Opportunity), have denounced the cultural legacies that undermine the emancipation and rights of girls who "live in our country and are perfectly integrated into the Western culture." Same script with the (PD). Almost all (with the exception of Emannuele Fiano) seem, thus, to have some allergy to speaking of Islam. But not just that. Many of them are even intolerant of those who, instead, fight to condemn Islamic fundamentalism. Roberto Calderoli, who has been accused by Pezzopane of caring about women, "just to throw gasoline on the fire of xenophobia and racism to try and create consensus instrumentally". Also the cartoonist, Vauro, speaking with AdnKronos, did not hesitate to lash out against those who, in his opinion, are using the Saman case to "demonize Islam".

The point, however, is not to simply demonize Islam as a religion, but to ensure that certain practices, such as arranged marriages, female genital circumcision, imposition of the veil, are banned from our country. To make this happen, it is first necessary to denounce this barbarity without linguistic paraphrases and then approve ad hoc laws to combat radical Islam.

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