
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Los Angeles Unified Teachers Union and Their Radical Agenda: Celine Qussiny

 Hat tip The Israel Group

The  United Teachers Union of Los Angeles has been in the local news a lot lately due to their fierce resistance to re-opening the schools during the Covid pandemic. Make no mistake: This union is led by radicals. 

In keeping with their philosophy and coinciding with the looming Critical Ethnic Studies teaching agenda on the horizon, the LAUTA is fully on-board with the coming indoctrination of our children. That's why they scheduled a panel presentation entitled, "Ethnic Studies in LAUSD-Keeping it authentic". You can read the flyer above. It was scheduled for April 13, 2021.

I would like to draw the reader's attention to just one of the panelists, which also drew the attention of The Israel Group, a pro-Israel organization based in Los Angeles that also monitors incidents of anti-Semitism in our schools. I am referring to Celine Qussiny, whose name is actually misspelled in the teachers union flyer.

There is much more to Ms Qussiny's bio. I am referring to her time as a student at UC Irvine, specifically in May 2017 when she led a disruption of a pro-Israel event on campus. I was present and captured her and her cohorts on videotape. If you go to the below link and click the links contained therein, you will see her in action. She is the one in the black shirt leading the charge (Viewer warning-naughty language).

The above link was the first time I used Qussiny's name because my general policy was to try and avoid using the names of students. The above article not only gave her name but described her as a graduate. Now that she is no longer a student and continues to be an activist, I have no further compunctions about using her name.

Of course, Qussiny's disruptive antics at UC Irvine did not deter an organization called the Arab American Civic Council from giving her an award in 2019.

Well, after all, it's not called the Arab American Civil Council, is it?

But here is my point: It is no coincidence that the Ethnic Studies program under consideration in California contains instruction about how Israel is " oppressing" the Palestinian people. Moreover, it would instruct our kids that Jews are simply to be considered in the category as "privileged whites". In other words, they are fair game. And why was it so important for UTLA to hear from Ms. Qussiny? No doubt, her presentation contained plenty of information about the Israel-Palestinian conflict that was so important for the LA teachers to hear so they can pass it on to our children. 

As a product of the LA Unified School District (Class of 1963), it pains me to say that something is terribly wrong with the education our children are receiving in Los Angeles and in California as a whole. This event is just evidence of that.

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