
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Vetlanda: Statement by PM Stefan Löfven

Statement of Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven regarding the attack in Vetlanda (courtesy of Expressen): Translation by Fousesquawk.

This evening, I am thinking of those injured in Vetlanda and their relatives. I condemn this terrible act of violence.

We confront these heinous acts with the collective power of society.

Right now, it is unclear exactly what happened and what the motive was, but police describe it as a single perpetrator (who) attacked and seriously injured several persons in central Vetlanda. A suspected perpetrator has been arrested. Against the background of what has emerged thus far in the police investigation, the prosecutor has initiated a preliminary investigation into a terrorist crime. Police authorities and Security Police have close cooperation in incidents like this.  They continuously judge whether there are reasons to take heightened security measures and are prepared to do this if needed.

Police authorities are now taking investigative and security-enhancing measures and have initiated a special incident (procedure) to better handle the incident. We have on-going contact with police authorities and Security Police and are following the events closely.

We are mindful of how fragile our safety is. I want to urge everyone to send a thought to those affected by violence and to the men and women in healthcare, police, and the municipalities who work to care for the injured and restore safety. 


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