
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Denmark Wins Appeal on Deportation

Hat tip Fria Tider- Translation by Fousesquawk

Here is an interesting report from the conservative  Swedish site, Fria Tider. The European Court of Human Rights has upheld the deportation of a Pakistani career criminal from Denmark, where he was born, back to Pakistan. What makes this interesting is that the subject, Shuaib Khan, was born in Denmark. It is not clear whether he had ever visited Pakistan, but as the article outlines, he is not a Danish citizen, thus, is deportable even though he was born in Denmark.

                                                                                             "And don't come back."

European Court: The right of  Denmark to deport second-generation criminal immigrants

Posted January 12, 2021

Foreign: Denmark's deportation of the criminal, Shuaib Khan, leader of a gang that made itself known for several serious violent crimes, does not go against the so-called human rights. That is reported by the European Court (of Human Rights) today.

Khan, who was born in Denmark in 1986 and is of Pakistani, third world, (nationality),  argued in the European Court that Denmark had "offended" his so-called human rights when the northern country deported him through a judgment by the Danish HD (Higher Court) in 2017.

To force him to live in his own country was, according to Khan, a "disproportionately" severe sentence. He had no (issues) with the other parts of the punishment, only appealing the deportation.

One reason Khan never became a Danish citizen is that he has hardly done anything other than commit crimes in Denmark. Between 2003 and 2017, he has been convicted 13 times, mainly for crimes against persons. 

Now Denmark has the right to execute deportations to Pakistan. 

"The Court reiterates that a state has the right to control foreign citizens' entry and stay there," wrote the Court in a press release. According to the European Court, deportations must still be proportionate, and it was in this case, the Court determined.


Comment: From an American point of view, this raises eyebrows because, under American law, a foreign child born in the US is entitled to citizenship. That is not true in all countries, however. Of course, I find it troubling that Europe has a court that exercises jurisdiction over its EU member states, but that is another matter. 

At any rate, here's hoping Mr Khan enjoys the rest of his life in Pakistan, from where he won't be able to bother the Danish people any longer.


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