
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Gavin Newsom Vetoes Ethnic Studies Curriculum Bill

Hat tip Amcha Initiative

California Governor Gavin Newsom doesn't do many things right, but this time he has. As we have been reporting, a California bill, AB 331, which would require an ethnic studies curriculum that had anti-Jewish elements to it, was up for Newsom's signature this week. Instead, he has done the right thing and vetoed it.

Much credit goes to organizations like the Amcha Initiative and Stand With Us, who organized letter-writing campaigns to the Governor pointing out the selectivity and anti-Jewish elements of this bill. 

I also want to thank all of you who took the time to add your name to a petition to the Governor opposing AB 331.

However, we need to be vigilant; The proponents of this bill will not give up. They will be back with something else soon in their efforts to slip their propaganda into California's teaching curriculum. It's bad enough that so many teachers and professors want to preach to our kids that Palestinians are oppressed by Israel and that Jews are nothing more than "privileged whites". That there should be a state requirement they do so is an outrage.

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