
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Two Cops Shot in LA- Demonstrators Cheer at Hospital

Blue Lives Matter

 On Saturday night, an unidentified shooter walked up to a Los Angeles Sheriff's patrol car and fired into the vehicle  hitting two deputies in the head. As I write this, they are both fighting for their lives in a local hospital.

That would be bad enough, but the story took another ugly turn when Black Lives Matters protesters showed up at the hospital, blocked entries, tried to force their way in, and yelled slogans like, "Hope they die!"  I am posting a video made by one of these jerks. It may be taken down soon (warning: language).

That is beyond disgusting.

One hardly knows what to say even after the summer of outrages we have seen across the country in places like Portland, Seattle and so many other places.

As I write this, the NFL season is opening today (It actually began Thursday night in Kansas City), and we are being treated to all the kneeling scenes and insults against our National Anthem in the name of social justice. Will anybody kneel for those two LASO deputies today? I doubt it. Instead, the NFL, the networks, and the game broadcasters at CBS and Fox are fully supporting the BLM theme and the denigration of the Anthem. I hope the NFL loses their collective shirts this season

But that is minor compared to last night's outrage in Los Angeles. It is clear that the violence has gone on far too long. This has nothing to do with social justice, nothing to do with the laudable idea that black lives matter (no caps), and nothing to do with George Floyd's death. It is about anarchy, insurrection and racial hate. It is not enough that the shooter be brought to justice. Those who showed up at the hospital to celebrate the shooting need to look themselves in the mirror. They are despicable.

This kind of behavior does not represent the feelings of most black Americans. At the same time, too many people of all races are buying into this false narrative that police are targeting black men on the streets, looking to arrest them, harm them or kill them. Anarchistic groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter are exploiting this to bring havoc and racial division to the country.

I thought we had reached a new low with the events in Seattle and Portland, but this outrage in LA ranks right up there with them.

Cops' lives matter.

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