
Friday, August 21, 2020

Netherlands: Anti-Gay Violence in Asylum Centers

Translation by Fousesquawk.

According to a gay activist group in the Netherlands, there is an on-going problem of violence against gays in Dutch refugee asylum centers The below article is by Bart Reijmerink in Dagelijkse Standaard dated August 21, 2020.

Fiery letter to the state secretary: Homosexual-related violence in asylum center is hardly addressed"

Sandro Kortekaas, chairman of LGBT  Asylum Support, has written a  fiery letter to state secretary Broekers-Noed. According to Kortekaas, hardly anything is done against anti-homosexual violence in asylum centers.  Since June there have been 60 reports, but hardly anything is done,says Kortekaas. There must be a change here, says  the chairman of LGBT Asylum Support..

Kortekaas is quite clear: There is no other solution than separate asylum centers for LGBT refugees. He made this known in a fiery letter to the state secretary.

"Since June we have gotten 60 reports of violence against LHBTI's in asylum centers. We have forwarded them to a hot line, but we have not heard anything further."

Kortekaas has been involved in his crusade since 2016. But an important question must be asked. Are separate LHBT-asylum centers the solution? If these asylum centers come, then it means that the anti-homosexual mob is still in the Netherlands with big results in the long term. The anti-homosexual sentiment will remain among these people, and it is this that must be tackled. Separate asylum centers are a temporary solution, but ultimately don't  cure the disease.

"We have been in discussion with the state secretary since 2016 on the subject of separate units for LHBTI-asylum-seekers. Because that works, especially for transgenders. We want every asylum center to be required to have such a unit," says Kortekaas. " We don't understand why there is still no policy that each asylum  center be required to have an LHBTI unit. We have reached rock bottom."

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