Jesse Goldberg
So what else is new, Fousesquawk?
Good point, but we do need to spread the news about who is teaching in our "institutions of higher learning". This time it is Jesse Goldberg who is an incoming professor of black studies, American literature and composition, critical prison theory, queer theory studies, and Bugs Bunny at Auburn University.
Here is how the Auburn campus fish wrap explains it.
Here's my take:
I would defend this guy if he had been arrested for his boffo comments, but at what point does an employer decide they don't want someone representing them because they bring such obvious discredit to the institution? Actually, someone should consider firing Auburn for teaching this crap posing as academics.
Anybody making statements like these, guaranteed under the First Amendment or not, is clearly off his rocker. If he can stand up in a classroom and teach this to our kids, then he can also teaching them the world is a hexagon. This is not what parents spend tens of thousands of dollars a year to have their kids learn.
I hope Auburn's donors are taking note. Firing the professors doesn't go far enough. At some point, we have to start firing (de-funding) the universities.
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