Portland, Oregon
It seems like the past 20 years or so when presidential elections and/or mid-terms roll around, we are told by our pundits and political leaders that it is the most important election of our lifetimes. In spite of our occasional electoral mistakes, the country has survived. This time, I fear that November 2020 really will be the most important election of our lifetimes.
Who we elect as president and who we elect to the Senate and House of Representatives is going to have a huge impact on the direction this country is going to take. It is no longer just a choice between liberal policies and conservative policies because the liberals, represented by the Democrats and a presidential candidate who is clearly drifting into senility, has gone so far to the left that they literally want to tear down the country and start all over.
What do I mean by "tear down the country"?
The last election brought people into government (Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others) who truly despise the country and want to tear down the system. Omar said that as recently as this week. She and Tlaib are Muslim extremists and anti-Semites who oppose our alliance with Israel. They are ample proof of why we fear increasing Islamic influence in our politics and our culture.
Now, with the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, which no decent person is defending, we have gone back to the images of 1968. This time, it was not just riots and deaths, but an abject surrender of our police, mandated by their Democrat mayors and governments while shops were destroyed, synagogues attacked, police, Jews and whites physically attacked, and in the cases of Seattle and Minneapolis, precinct stations evacuated and handed over to the raging mobs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. This was followed by demands to either de-fund or abolish the police. Laughable, you say? The Minneapolis City Council voted to abolish their entire police force. Other cities like Seattle, Los Angeles, and New York are massively cutting police funding. Police officers, totally disillusioned, are retiring and quitting in large numbers. And in virtually all of our major cities, the mayors are Democrats. These cities have been solidly in the hands of the Democrat party going back decades, and they are never held accountable by the voters.
In the streets of certain cities, it is open season on whites, be they men, women, children, or elderly. All in the name of "racial justice". How has it come to this, that after so many decades of progress, we are now back in the 60s with white and black citizens viewing each other with fear and distrust?
Now we have dopey TV personalities like Nick Cannon openly and publicly discussing with rappers why whites and Jews are "sub-human". Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver, Desean Jackson, has trashed Jews publicly. The reaction from the National Football League? Yawn. The Black Lives Matter organization, in spite of their benign-sounding name, openly talks trash about whites and Jews, praises Marxism, and shows itself to be nothing more than a supremacist organization hiding behind the mask of human rights.
And who is standing in the background applauding all this hate and lawlessness while egging them on? Not only Democrat politicians like Nancy Pelosi, but the media, the universities, and Hollywood. They will do anything-even keep our societies and economy shut down over the Covid virus- in order to defeat President Trump.
And don't be misled by Joe Biden's long history in Washington as a center-left moderate. He is folding like a house of cards as his mental capacity becomes weaker. Green New Deal? De-fund police? Sure, where do I sign? Joe Biden will be putty in the hands of the far-left wing, which is taking over the Democrat party. Odds are that he will not even finish his four years in office, which means say hello to whatever woman he chooses to be his vice presidential running mate, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, or some other nightmare.
Nothing I have said above should be construed to suggest that I have given up on race relations in America, and neither should you. Not all blacks are buying into BLM, and I for one, will never forget the blacks I served in the military and federal law enforcement with. Never forget the black men who laid down their lives for this country, especially in the Vietnam war.
I am not a Republican. I have never belonged to any political party, but we must turn out in record numbers in November and support President Trump and the Republican party. You may not like Trump, but hold your nose in that case because the alternative is much worse. We cannot allow these forces to take over our country under the banner of the Democrat party. I have usually been cynical on this point, but this time I really believe that only Trump, the Republican party, and We the People stand between the loss of our democratic freedoms and the eventual collapse of our great country.
For God's sake, vote.
Always enjoy reading your blog.
Pick any weekend and you're likely to see reports like this from Chicago:
Rahm Emanuel had no solution, and neither does Lori Lightfoot.
Of course no mention of this from the BLM crowd. Who's going to get this under control?
It's really sad.
As long as I can recall, the S side of Chicago has been a dangerous place. Just going to a White Sox game has always required due caution. The one time I went in 1964-the old Comiskey park, we had to park on some guys front lawn and give him a few dollars.
What is truly sad and outrageous is that a lot of poor black folks who do nothing wrong have no other option than to live there. The city has always had poor, corrupt leadership from the aldermen to the mayors-for that matter, look at the governors. How many Illinois governors can you name who didn't go to prison.
I have always liked CHicago, but it is two cities.
How about life in prison for the thugs who are behind this?
Fed agents are just doing their job and are permanently blinded by these low life creeps?
It truly needs to stop.
I agree. There is no question that there are conspiracies across state lines to foment violence. That's where the FBI should step in. Hopefully, we will see federal roundups, but conspiracy cases take time. What a shame tat the state and local authorities are under the thumb of the do-nothing Dems.
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