
Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Dutch Torture Chamber Discovery-Translated for Swedish Readers

Hat tip Ben, Kronans Martell, Ullis News, Vlad Tepes, and Gates of Vienna

A few days ago, we translated into English a Dutch report and video on the police discovery of an underworld prison and torture chamber in the Netherlands.

I am pleased to report that our Swedish counterpart, Kronans Martell, has taken our English translation and converted it to Swedish on the Swedish site, Ullis News, for Swedish readers. Here is the reason: Europeans are having enough problems getting the true news from their own national media about what is going on in their own countries.  You can imagine how hard it is for them to get information about what is happening in other European countries on certain sensitive issues.

The audio in the below video is in Dutch with Swedish sub-titles.

We hope to expand on these efforts.

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