France: Police Have a Suspect in Custody in Cathedral Fire
French police have taken a 39-year-old Rwandan refugee into custody in connection with yesterday's fire at the Nantes cathedral. The man was reportedly employed by the diocese and had been tasked with closing the cathedral. He was reportedly angry about his expired visa.
The prosecutor states that, at this stage, there are no formal charges.
The below article by Le Figaro is translated by Fousesquawk.
Fire in the cathedral of Nantes: A man taken into custody
A Rwandan national, 39, was taken into custody the day of the fire. According to the prosecutor, there is nothing at the moment to implicate him in the commission of the act.
-by Le Figaro, July 19, updated same date.
Caption below photo:"There is no indication of a break-in," according to the prosecutor of NantesA 39-year-old man, originally from Rwanda, has been arrested in connection with the investigation into the arson of the cathedral of Nantes. Arrested Saturday, 18 July during the day, he was placed in custody.The reasons for his arrest are, for the moment, not known. According to Le Figaro's information, he is a Rwandan refugee working for the diocese. He had reportedly expressed anger about his expired visa.According to the prosecutor, the man was placed in custody due to inconsistencies discovered in his work schedule. The suspect had been tasked with closing the cathedral the day before the fire. The investigators, therefore, wish to hear from this man, "on the conditions of the closure of the cathedral.""At this stage, it is a question of verification, nothing permits (us) to implicate him in the commission of the fire," the prosecutor of the Republic in Nantes, Pierre Sennes, stated. "One must remain prudent as to the interpretation of this custody, it is normal procedure," the magistrate underlined.
Asked about the first elements of the investigation, the prosecutor confirmed the arrival Saturday afternoon of fire experts from the scientific and technical police laboratory.
Born 1945 in Los Angeles. Worked from 1998-2016 as adjunct teacher at University of California at Irvine Ext. teaching English as a second language.
Served three years in US Army Military Police at Erlangen, Germany 1966-68.
1970-1973- Criminal Investigator with US Customs
1973-1995 Criminal investigator with Drug Enforcement Administration. Stationed in Los Angeles, Bangkok, Milan, Italy, Pittsburgh and Office of Training, FBI Academy, Quantico, Va. until retirement.
Author of Erlangen-An American's History of a German Town-University Press of America 2005,
The Story of Papiamentu- A Study in Slavery and Language, University Press of America, 2002, and
The Languages of the Former Soviet Republics-Their History and Development, University Press of America, 2000.
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