-Vlad Tepes
On July 1, there was a big demonstration for President Trump in Ottawa, Canada of all places. Naturally, the Canadian media handled it by resorting to fake news. Vlad Tepes has the details.
I can definitely believe that they're Trump supporters.
Nobody seems to be wearing a mask.
I think the only reason the other side wears masks is to hide their faces from the cops.
You go ahead and tell yourself that if it makes you feel better that you wear the hat of this lunatic death cult.
I don't see this "lunatic death cult" rioting in the streets and committing mayhem.Whose hat do you wear?
I don't wear a hat.
Are you one of those people who protest masks? Are you anti vaccine? Flat Earther?
No to all three. What's your next question- do I have two heads?
Then do you agree that it's dangerous and irresponsible to have a mass gathering and not wear masks? Do you approve of Trump holding an indoor rally while not requiring masks or social distancing?
I really don't care. It is amazing to see all this indignation when it comes to Trump rallies, but where was the indignation at all the protests around the country-including the riots and CHOP up in Seattle? Not that there wasn't a legitimate reason to protest (George Floyd) but who was talking about face masks and social distancing then?
I saw a lot of people at the protests with masks. Also, those were outdoors.
Not exactly the same thing.
The fact is that our country has more cases than any other, and while the current administration shares much of the blame, there's plenty more to go around, regardless of party affiliation.
But I don't think that it's an exaggeration to say that Trump leads a death cult when his followers are so reckless and he does nothing to encourage safety.
I would figure that he could make a lot of money AND save lives if he sold some MAGA face masks.
You are entitled to your opinion, and history may show Trump to have made mistakes as have so many world leaders. Consider, however, how many broken lives and suicides are going to pile up if we don't get this country operating again. There are more cases detected through testing, and they are now younger and not dying at the rate of the older ones when this started.
I don't claim to have the solution, and I don't pay much attention to those who think they have it all figured out.
What affect do you think it will have on the economy if even more people get sick and the hospital ICUs get filled beyond capacity? (It's already happening in Texas.)
The thing is, if EVERYONE wears a mask, we can open some businesses and drastically reduce the spread of this.
You're clearly not anti-mask, but I think that as a country we need to adopt the WWII spirit of "we're all in this together". This shouldn't be a political position any more than seatbelts.
Fact is I wear a mask when I go out and I practice social distancing. So I do my part.
Unfortunately, we are so divided, we old WW II spirit is a pipe dream.
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