Sweden hasn't had much to cheer about the last several years. Basically, the place is going to Hell, thanks to socialism, left-wing politicians, and uncontrolled immigration from Third World hellholes. Crime is through the roof, and the cops have no clue.
But there is good news this week. Kurt Wallander and his mythical colleagues have finally cracked the country's biggest cold case. It was a case even Henning Mankel, Swedish crime author and creator of Inspector Wallander, could never have dreamed up. The murder of Prime Minister Olaf Palme in 1986. Palme was no friend of the US. A dreamer of the mold of John Lennon, Palme was always on our case for something or other.
Imagine this scenario: The prime minister of Sweden, Olaf Palme, is strolling through downtown Stockholm one night with his wife-with no security. Suddenly, a man walks up and shoots Palme dead and walks off into the night never to be found, arrested, or even identified.
This week, Sweden announced that it was going to announce who "The Real Killer" was. With baited breath, Sweden and the world had to wait 24 hours for the big announcement, probably to give the world's press time to fly to Stockholm for the big press conference.
Before continuing, let's take a couple of steps back in time for other big breaking stories.......
In 1986, just two months after the death of Palme, US reporter Geraldo Rivera latched onto a story involving Al Capone, who had once resided in the Lexington Hotel in Chicago. Someone had discovered an abandoned vault underneath the hotel that belonged to Capone, and Rivera produced a two hour special in which the vault would be broken open on live TV and all of Capone's hidden wealth would be discovered!! Well, it didn't exactly turn out that way. The only thing they found in the vault was an empty gin bottle.
Fast forward to 2017 when MSNBC talking head Rachel Maddow tweeted two hours before her show came on the air that she had come into possession of President Trump's 2005 income tax returns. The tweet went viral, and Maddow came on the air to great anticipation. This was it! This would be the smoking gun that Trump was an income tax cheat-the reason he never released his returns to the public. It was the biggest thing since Geraldo discovered Al Capone's safe!
So it was on the evening of March 14, 2017 that Rachel Maddow announced to the world that in 2005 Trump had paid 35.5 million dollars to the IRS on an income of 150 million dollars.
That brings us to this week in Sweden. In 1988, police charged a guy named Christer Pettersson with the crime. He was tried and convicted, but the conviction was later reversed. In later years, attention turned to one Stig Engström, who claimed to have been a witness to the murder and who worked next door to the murder scene at Skandia Insurance Company. He was never charged.
But this week, prosecutors announced that they had their man. It was indeed Engström, who they believe pulled the trigger. Now there would be justice for Olaf Palme.
Except that Engström committed suicide in 2000. Therefore, the case is closed.
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