
Friday, June 5, 2020

Candace Owens on George Floyd and Our Racial Issues

Candace Owens is one of a rising number of young black conservatives who have left the liberal plantation.  Like other black conservatives, she pays the price in being called ugly epithets like "sellout", "Oreo", "Uncle Tom", ("Aunt Jemima"), and so on.

After several days of watching events unfold nationwide since the killing of George Floyd, she has decided to speak out via her Facebook page. I have decided to cross-post her video, which is about 18 and a half minutes long because I think people need to hear her words and think about them. No doubt, many people will find her words offensive because she criticizes some aspects of black society in America. No doubt many true white racists will find comfort and affirmation in what she says. That is unfortunate but unavoidable.

I also think, however, that many thoughtful people of all colors will pay close attention and consider her points. For example, Owens brings out the fact that the media is ignoring-that George Floyd had a long criminal history and was on drugs when he died. Owens points out that none of that excuses the actions of the four cops who killed him. She agrees, as I do, that these cops (ex-cops) need to be prosecuted.

But it is the making of Floyd as a martyr that Owens objects to-not to mention the rioting. She objects to the criminal anarchists of Antifa, who are overwhelmingly white, being able to orchestrate the violence that we have seen all week. She objects to white liberals who are so paternalistic that they think that black people cannot succeed in American society without being treated like handicapped children (my words).

As I said, the video is almost 20 minutes long, but it is well worth the time.

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