
Friday, May 8, 2020

Gays, "Palestine", and "De-Colonial Queering"

Hat tip Campus Watch and Breitbart

                                                                                                                     Walaa Alqaisiya          

Every month, Campus Watch awards  the "Howler of the Month" award to some dopey academic who makes the most ridiculous comment. The most recent winner of this "prestigious" award is somebody named Walaa Alqaisiya, who teaches-what else?- gender studies at the London School of Economics. Her piece on homosexuality and "Palestine" would appear (from the abstract) to blame any problems that gays have in the West Bank and Gaza to be the fault of those evil "settler-colonists" in Israel. The below abstract is appearing in Taylor and Francis Online's Middle East Critique, 24 December 2019, pp 87-113. 

"This article posits a theorisation of decolonisation in relation to queer as it emerges from the settler-colonial context of Palestine, what I call decolonial queering. The first part provides a new reading of Zionist settler-colonialism, which I define as hetero-conquest. Its novelty lies in refocusing the question of colonialism in native grounded knowledge of queering, while showing the limitations of those existing studies whose frames emanate mainly from American and/or global north contexts of racism and homo-nationalism. By tracing the contemporary continuity of hetero-conquest in Palestine, the second part unpacks the need for a radical theory of liberation that weaves decolonization into queer. Bringing Sara Ahmed and Frantz Fanon into dialogue, such a theory emanates from the amalgam of histories, geographies and bodies, whose restoration beyond the strictures of hetero-conquest opens the way for a radical multi-scalar politics of liberation."

And I'm supposed to read 26 pages of this stuff?

Meanwhile, back in the real world.........

Islamic hetero-conquest in action

Throwing people off of rooftops seems to be the preferred method of execution for homosexuality, not only in Gaza, but in the territories formerly controlled by ISIS in Syria and Iraq. (I'm not sure whatever territory they might now control even has any buildings.)

Not even the dense, impenetrable verbiage used by Alqaisiya can hide the fact that it is not Israelis who persecute homosexuals. It is the Islamist beasts who run Gaza and ISIS. Israelis do not throw gays off of rooftops. That is done in "Palestine" and other parts of the Middle East-especially when ISIS comes to town. I think Alqaisiya should write an article on that issue. She could call it, "The De-Queering of Palestine".

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