I am watching the NFL draft. I didn't expect a lot of excitement with the Steelers (my team) not having a first round draft choice, but it's nice to be watching sports again. But I would like to nit-pick here.
As I watch this show, I feel like I'm watching the Salvation Army draft. Instead of talking about the skills of the players, it seems the NFL is determined to tell its viewers that each and every player selected is a model citizen with a tragedy in their life they have had to overcome. If the player likes to play chess, we are going to hear all about it. If a player has a dog, that's news. I mean, what gives? Now they are talking with a third round draftee who has traveled to Japan! Great pick.
I just hope the Steelers don't draft CNN's Brian Stelter.
As everyone knows, the NFL has had an image problem for several years. Football is a violent sport, and sometimes that physicality spills over into the private lives of some of the players. The league has been often referred to as the National Felon League. That translates into lots of bad publicity that overshadows the guys in the NFL who keep their noses clean.
Then came Colin Kaepernick and his kneeling for the National Anthem, which caught on with other players and other teams. The NFL took a big hit for that perceived lack of respect for our flag and our military. Even out of football, Kaepernick has continued to stir the pot with his anti-American tirades. The fans reacted very negatively to all that.
In response, what we have seen is an NFL dedicated to paying tribute to our military, camouflage dress apparel and all. To a cynic like me, it has come across as PR.
Now this year's draft is overflowing with tributes to our medical and first aid personnel in the fight against Covid-19. That's all well and good; I salute them too, but the PR flowing through this year's draft is just overwhelming.
It's a kinder and gentler NFL.
Enter into all this is NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, the most unpopular commissioner in American sports, deservedly or undeservedly. Goodell is continuing the tradition of the NFL commish announcing the picks-at least through the third round. Goodell may be a great guy and a great commissioner for all I know, but putting him on TV-this time from his home acting more as a moderator- is a flop. Goodell may do a lot of things well, but on camera, he is wooden. An apple tree would do better an camera than Goodell.
I don't mean to suggest that teams-and fans- don't care about the character and makeup of the players who are selected to join their teams. Character is examined closely by the teams before drafting (some more than others). It is a given, especially in football, that a certain percentage of players won't get along with teammates and coaches and will get into trouble off the field.
But I am encouraged that this year. the NFL is drafting so many choir boys. Maybe someday I can play chess with one of them. (Just kidding.)
"With the thirtieth pick in the third round, the Steelers select Brian Stelter......... He cried himself to sleep over the Corona virus."
Oh no!
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