
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Seventy-Seven Journalism Professors Can't Be Wrong

Hat tip Ruthfully Yours

As each day passes, the left in America continues to blame President Trump for the Corona virus. We have long learned that is par for the course, but now Fox News has "blood on its hands". At least that's what 77 journalism professors led by some guy named Todd Gitlin, who teaches at Columbia University, think. They have all signed off on a letter to Fox News head, Rupert Murdoch, complaining about Fox's coverage of the virus.

Let's be honest: The real reason this letter was written is because, unlike CNN and MSNBC, Fox News doesn't spend 24 hours a day blaming Trump for the Corona virus. They regularly interview administration officials while CNN and MSNBC find critics to drag onto TV. Look at those embarrassing interviews (infomercials) with Joe Biden from his home in Delaware as he opines on the crisis and what he thinks needs to be done. As usual, Biden makes no sense, but that doesn't stop his journalist pals from giving him air time and pumping air into his campaign. (No pun intended.)

I know Fox leans conservative and tends to support Trump, especially Sean Hannity (who I admire, by the way). But while Fox may not be 100% "fair and balanced", they are much more objective than the rest of the media. At least conservatives have one station they can turn on for alternative news.

So let the professors send their letters, and I hope more professors affix their names and let the Huffington Post publicize it widely. It's just further evidence of how the discredited left cares more about their agenda than they do contributing thoughtful ideas to the struggle against this virus. Say what you will about Trump and his team. Time will prove their actions right, wrong, or indifferent. But they are acting and working 24-7, while the media and academia stand on the sidelines throwing brickbats.


Anonymous said...

Trump was informed about this pandemic in December. Several democrats (including Biden) called for action in January. Trump disbanded the country's pandemic team and was saying up until a few weeks ago that everything was under control.

Is Trump to blame for the virus? Obviously not.

But we now have more cases than any other country (maybe not China as we can't trust their numbers) and we don't really know how many we have because we haven't been able to test people properly (due in large part to Trump's inaction).

Meanwhile, Trump blames everyone but himself, including health care workers who he claims are stealing life saving equipment.

Anonymous said...

People are literally going to die because of the advice of the Fox News pundits like Hannity, Rivera, Lahren, etc.

But do go on...

Gary Fouse said...


I see that Joe Biden has lots of great ideas. Maybe we should put this in his hands. If you don't like Fox, I am sure Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell have useful info at MSNBC.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Fouse,

People are now hoarding hydroxy chloroquine because Trump keeps saying that it can treat the virus even though there is no evidence.

My friend needs that drug to treat her lupus. Her doctor told her to start rationing because it's hard to come by.

I'm not a fan of Biden, but the record shows that he was calling for action when Trump, and the likes of Hannity, were saying that it was no big deal and would soon be gone.

You can look all this up for yourself. You can check Biden's Twitter account. He could be the devil himself and it doesn't change the facts.

Do you know anyone on the front lines (like nurses) of this pandemic? What do you think their view of Trump and Fox news is? Do you care? Or will it have to harm a loved one first?

Anonymous said...

And do you deny that Trump disbanded the pandemic team? Is that better or worse than Clinton's poor decisions in Benghazi? Which will be responsible for more deaths?

Gary Fouse said...

Didn't that happen two years ago? Did you know two years ago that this would happen in 2020? Wow. And do you really think that that team would have prevented what has happened-starting in China? Trump's error (actually John Bolton's action, but no mind) was if anything, a lack of foresight as to a historical disaster. Hillary's Benghazi error could easily have been foreseen. It was monumental negligence. Amazing how you and your ilk keep trying to blame it all on Trump. Wise up.

Gary Fouse said...


Did you know Trump was also responsible for the Mt Vesuvius eruption at Pompeii?

Anonymous said...

Are you really suggesting that nobody saw that a pandemic could happen? Why would they even have a pandemic team in the first place if nobody could see a pandemic coming?

Anonymous said...

And yes, a pandemic team could have done something. We could have had tests earlier. We could have had ventilators. We could have started the social distancing earlier.

Instead, we have a President who said it would all be over a month ago, recommends an unproven treatment that other people need, and blames everyone from Obama to the health care workers. (He probably does blame Obama for Vesuvius.)

Gary Fouse said...


Your hindsight is obviously better than Trump's foresight. Do you really think people have died because two years ago, John Bolton cut the pandemic staff in the WH to save money?

This crisis requires a president with the wisdom of Solomon. Trump may not be Solomon, but I suspect when this is all over, he will come out smelling like a rose. He is acting like a leader and doing things unlike others who just talk. Maybe he has and will make mistakes, but let's wait and see how this turns out. I hear no good solutions coming from his detractors. They only called him a racist for instituting the China travel ban.

Anonymous said...

Do I really think people died as a result?


It doesn't take much foresight to know that cutting a pandemic response team is a bad idea. It's not as though Ebola, the swine flu, the bird flu, SARS, West Nile, etc. are diseases from a long time ago.

I don't know why you keep bringing up Bolton. Who put him in that position? Do you not believe that "the buck stops here?"

If the only criticism you're hearing is about the travel ban, then I have to wonder how hard you're trying. I have presented several criticisms and didn't even mention it once.

Anonymous said...

And I think it's hard to argue that my friend is rationing her lupus medication because of Trump's recommendedations that aren't based on real data.

I doubt she's the only one.

Maybe I can put you in touch with her, and you can tell her how Trump is going come off smelling like a rose.

Maybe you can even tell me that if she dies.

Anonymous said...

And in all sincerity, Mr. Fouse, I hope that you are keeping safe and doing your part to socially distance yourself.

Gary Fouse said...

Yes, I am anonymous. Thank you and you stay safe. As for your friend with lupus, I hope she does well. As for the travel ban complaints, I was not referring to you. I was referring to the media and the Democrats in Congress. They do bring it up.