
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Marine Le Pen Addresses Voters in France

Hat tip RAIR Foundation, Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes. Translation by Miss Piggy.

Marine Le Pen, the leader of the French political party, Rassemblement National (National Rally), formerly known as the Front National. addresses voters ahead of this month's municipal elections in France. She speaks specifically of the current wave of mass migration on the Turkish-Greek border and says that it is time to assist the Greeks and stop it as well as place a moratorium on all immigration, which is now engulfing Europe. She is correct that this is not legitimate immigration, rather it is an invasion. Aside from her criticism of French President Emmanuel Macron, she also criticizes the US for propping up Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

I agree with Le Pen in so far as that nobody-including the US- should be supporting Turkey right now. The EU should be giving Greece whatever assistance it needs to protect its border, and Turkey should be booted out of whatever alliances remain with the West-including NATO. I will go even further: The United States and Europe should be shutting down diplomatic and economic ties with  Turkey. Let them engage in their folly in Syria with and/or against  the Russians. Hopefully, the Turkish people will rise up and overthrow Erdogan. The first attempt failed, but another attempt is warranted if Turkey wants to regain its place in the family of nations.

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