After watching President Trump's speech to the nation this week on the Corona virus, I immediately checked out CNN to see how they were reporting it. Sure enough, no sooner had Trump gotten up from his chair, there was anchorman Chris Cuomo-already frothing at the mouth- with Jim Acosta, David Gregory, and some other hit man attacking the President. Here are their talking points:
He seemed to be nervous.
It was too optimistic.
He was just acting for political gain in the election and trying to protect the stock markets.
He didn't warn the public of the dangers.
Unlike Franklin Roosevelt, who told the country that, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself", he didn't take the reins of power and reassure the people.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Nor did they take kindly to Trump's travel bans, now stopping flights coming from Europe. Previously, Trump had put a travel ban on China -"xenophobic", according to the CNN panel of experts. Acosta, an activist with a White House press badge took Trump to task for calling it a "foreign virus". That was xenophobic.
This is not a time to critique Trump on his speaking style during the address to the nation. I thought he came across as wooden, but so what? It is irrelevant. As the president said, we are all in this together, (except for CNN and the rest of the media), we should put partisan politics aside and work together, and we will get through it.
It would not have mattered if Trump had announced that a cure had been found, CNN's team of hit men were ready to pounce on him as soon as he finished his speech. There was not one single positive note or comment from these so-called journalists.What a sad state of affairs we have with our news media.
Whether you like Trump or not, he and the entire federal apparatus are doing all in their power to protect the public. They deserve our support.
* You can watch the speech and read the text below.
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