
Friday, February 7, 2020

The Day I "Met" Kirk Douglas

On the occasion of the passing of Kirk Douglas at 103, I would like to share a personal memory I have of the great American actor.

Back around 1962 or 1963, while I was in high school, a group of us got together and drove to Palm Springs for Spring Break. I did the driving in my beat-up, overheated 53 Ford.

One day, we were driving along the main drag in town, and as we approached an intersection, a car pulled up out of a side street on the right. I had the right of way, but the car began to make a right turn in front of me. Even though the driver stopped in plenty of time, I-being the punk I was- immediately reacted by yelling, "Ass-----!" and giving him the finger. As the driver looked at me with a quizzical look, I realized it was none other than Kirk Douglas. He-being the mature gentleman- did not respond.

So, Mr Douglas, allow me to offer this belated apology, and may you rest in peace, Sir.


Squid said...

Kirk Douglas was a Mench! RIP


Gary Fouse said...

For those who don't know, that means he was a great guy.