They don't call it the Reichstag* anymore. The German government that meets in Berlin's old Reichstag building calls it the Bundestag. Never mind. While German streets are starting to take on characteristics of the years between the two World Wars, the Reichstag these days is starting to look like the the Reichstag during the Third Reich. In other words members of certain parties are behaving like bores. Below is what happened when Dr Gottfried Curio of the conservative Alternatif fuer Deutschland party took to the rostrum to criticize the current government's African and Middle East resettlement policies. All that was missing was Hermann Goering banging his gavel and telling him to shut up.
*Of course, the actual Reichstag building was burned in February 1933, after which, the proceedings were moved to the Kroll Opera House.
The point is this: Are the German delegates not aware that when they conduct themselves in this manner that they bring back images of those dark days when Nazi bullies took over the Reichstag? Maybe they're not throwing chairs these days, and maybe other parliaments act worse (The Brits come to mind), but German politicians more than anyone need to maintain decorum.
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