
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Anti-Semitism in the Netherlands 2019

Hat tip Dagelijkse Standaard

I am cross-posting an article by Tim Engelbart in the conservative Dutch web site, Dagelijkse Standaard, which gives a year-end observation into the growing problem of anti-Semitism in the Netherlands. Translation by Fousesquawk.

2019 was the year in which anti-Semitism definitely became fashionable again
-Tim Engelbart, 25 December 2019

kuzu israel

Photo: Tunahan Kuzu* waves the Palestinian flag 
* Kuzu is a Turkish-born  member of Parliament and member of the Denk party, a Turkish-oriented political party.

The year is again almost over. What kind of year was 2019? No especially big things happened. No "11 September 2001s", no "6 May 2002s or Charlie Hebdos. That does not mean that this year was shining in every respect. On the contrary. The steady drip hollows out the stone, and in that respect, Jew haters from all walks of life-extreme left, extreme right and Islamic- have made Jew hatred more acceptable in the last 12 months. Here below is a sad overview.

2019 was the year in which you can simply call out on Dam Square in Amsterdam: "Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas.", and you will not be arrested as a result. Or (against) Israel, supposedly, for humanitarian reasons because it is really the only Jewish state in the world  to belittle and defame. And that even political parties can participate in  the ridiculous nonsense, and not speak out when Jews are called "cancer Zionists". Where you can even deny the Holocaust or call out, "Heil Hitler".

The numbers do not lie: This year, anti-Semitism rose by not less than 20%.  That is not nothing. Emigration of Dutch Jews to countries where you don't have to hear about violence and comments about gas showers is already far and wide begun. Can we blame them? In the schools, teachers take no action when swastikas are drawn to offend Jewish students. When conspiracy (theorists) explain to entire conference halls why it was supposedly Israel that blew up the Twin Towers.

We are not talking about 1933. Rather about 2019. The year in which so-called public intellectuals, without contradiction, can set entire communities against each other. Because Muslims are apparently better. Where even the left parties who are not screaming in Dam Square look the other way as hate against Jews increases hand over hand. Or even those who are praised to the Heavens by terror organizations who hope to wipe all of Israel off the map.

You can report these quasi-anti-Semitic people, but the police do nothing with it. And that emboldens the anti-Semitic citizens. They now feel so strong, that they can (tell outrageous) lies. Even if that happens before the eyes of the world press.

Netherlands, be aware. Because Jews are perhaps the first victims from a growing intolerance in our society. But they are surely not the last group. The transition to ordinary racial hatred has already been made.

And note: This article is only written with examples from January to June 2019. You can see how long this nauseating list would be if we had come to the end of December.
That is why (Dagelijkse Standaard) wishes all of the Netherlands, left and right, a cordial and Semitic-friendly 2020. And happy Hannukah, of course.

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