
Sunday, November 10, 2019

San Francisco's Next DA

Earlier this week, we reported on an incident at a San Francisco election night rally in which a city supervisor led the crowd in a chant of, " F--- the Police Officers Association".

There is more. The candidate for whom the rally was held is Chesa Boudin, a career defense attorney and leftist. So leftist that he traveled to Venezuela to offer his services to Hugo Chavez.

In addition, he is the son of two members of the Weather Underground, David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin, who were imprisoned for their role in the 1981 Brinks robbery in Nyack, NY in which  2 police officers and a security guard  were murdered.  Chesa was then raised in Chicago by Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn. David Gilbert is still serving a life term, and Boudin has been paroled and is now-you guessed it- a professor at Columbia University. Chesa Boudin, for his part, defends his parents as victims of a corrupt justice system, which he promises to reform-at least in San Francisco.

And the election? Counting continued into Saturday, but in the end, Boudin won.


Anonymous said...

Professor Fouse:
Wasn't quite sure where to insert this, but here goes. Have a look at this event (today!) at UC Irvine:

I have a couple of questions: what is a Gender Fluid Queer? Sounds messy. Any need for Kleenex?

You are/were an ESL teacher. At the link I notice of number of noun / verb conjugation errors. "They are a survivor ...." & a few others. Are these ideological changes? Would you take your red to these mistakes?

Last question: is there any resistance to this nonsense on campus? It's sad to think that this agenda is gaining traction on campuses. The end of critical thinking?

Gary Fouse said...


Thanks for the heads-up. Obviously, I did not attend it.

Actually, I am not a professor since I only have a masters degree.

I have no idea what a gender fluid queer is. It is apparently one of the 50 or so new genders invented by the maniacs who run our colleges these days.

As for the errors, they are an embarrassment for a university announcement. I am guessing that the use of "they" and "their" represent their preferred pronouns which are non gender specific-total nonsense if that was their intent. I would absolutely take my red to these errors. These people don't get to re-invent English grammar.

Resistance to this on campus? I suppose very little on campus. This is the state of our universities these days. I recommend you check out a couple of blogs called "Campus Reform" and "The College Fix". They are dedicated to reporting this kind of nonsense. I will post this myself and pass it on to them as well.