-Daily Mail

-Daily Mail
This is still unfolding as to exactly what happened. In London today, police have shot a man who apparently attacked others with a knife. Police responded to London Bridge, where a group of bystanders were struggling with a man with a knife. Police separated the bystanders and grappled with the man befiore shooting him. One person is reported dead and others wounded. As of now, this is being treated as a terrorist incident. (It is not clear if the dead person is a victim or the suspect.)
The Daily Mail (UK) has reports, photos and video.
*Update: The below Daily Mail update has a video showing the suspect being held on the ground by bystanders until the police arrive and take over. You can see one bystander holding the knife apparently taken away from the suspect.Warning: This clip shows the actual shooting.
Another video (viewer warning) showing the final moments. Police fire twice.
*Update: Daily Mail reports that the suspect was wearing a fake suicide vest and was killed by police. While five people are reported wounded, it is still not clear wheteher there is an innocent victim killed.
*Update (11:50 am PST): Fox News reports that at least one innocent victim is dead.
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