
Friday, October 11, 2019

Trump's Speech in Minneapolis

I was able to watch most of President Trump's speech in Minneapolis last night. Given the controversy surrounding the event (the boorish actions of the mayor in particular), you knew Trump would throw red meat to the audience and he delivered. The Target Center arena was full (20,000) and they were enthusiastic. Trump had especially hard words for Ilhan Omar and Joe Biden.

I should say that I personally don't think that it was very presidential to refer to Biden kissing Obama's ass. Nor was it proper to single out the Somali immigrant community of Minneapolis. As to the latter, I think Trump would have been better off leaving that to folks like us. I have complained many times on this site about the decision of the government to bring in some 80,000 Somalis in the 1990s. The largest group was dumped into Minneapolis. Some have manged to assimilate and be productive. On the other hand, some have refused to assimilate, gangs gave formed, and hundreds have run off to join the Somali terror group, Al Shabaab. No doubt the media and the Democrats will be harping on those comments for months.

All that aside, what was really disturbing was the mob outside the arena. Many of them were masked. Many were hurling insults-and objects at the police. People leaving the venue at the end had their cars surrounded by these leftists and Antifa types. It was a despicable display by thugs who don't know how to demonstrate peacefully.

You can argue all you want that Trump is divisive and that he adds fuel to the fire. The fact is though that this country is badly divided by ideology. The left in particular seems determined to turn this country upside down. Their instruments are the Democrat politicians who would implement the radical changes they want. And there is always the compliant press. Fox News was broadcasting the ugliness outside while MSNBC was ignoring it, preferring to let Lawrence O'Donnell drone on with his guests in explaining why Trump had to be impeached. Ultimately, these scenes and those to come in the next year will drive many decent voters to the polls to reject the left. At least that is my hope.

No president at this point is equipped to bring us together. The Democrat candidates promise to be just as divisive as Trump. What is needed is for our side to prevail. The politics of the left must be defeated, not in the streets, and not by mayors trying to shut down what they don't agree with. It must be done soundly at the ballot box.

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