Hussam Ayloush with Rashida Tlaib
CAIR SoCal director Hussam Ayloush once told an interviewer that CAIR was an American civil rights organization that doesn't get dragged into Middle East affairs. (That was just before he blew up at the interviewer for mentioning the magic word, "Hamas".) Of course, CAIR consistently gets dragged into foreign affairs if it involves Israel. Now, the self described human rights activist is all over Facebook and Twitter denouncing Israel for its ban on Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.
Oh, the humanity!
As usual, CAIR is always ready to engage in a marriage of convenience with American Jews who will criticize Israel. Their favorite group is Jewish Voice for Peace, an insidious organization of misfit Jews who link arms with groups like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and....well, CAIR. Then there is J Street, whose motto is "Pro-Israel, pro-Peace". If J Street is pro-Israel, I am a pitcher for the LA Dodgers.
Of course, JVP and J Street don't give a whit about all the anti-Jewish slurs made over the years by Ayloush and other CAIR leaders around the country. This is a man who has publicly (and once in my presence) asked why people want to investigate mosques for radical extremism and nobody is talking about the "thousands of American Jewish men who go to Israel to join the IDF killing the people of Gaza." I tried to ask him about that statement when he recently spoke at UC Irvine (as part of SJP's annual hate week against Israel), but as he always does, he refused to answer it, preferring to go on the attack and trying to link me to alleged threats against him and his family.
One might think that CAIR should be flooded with letters demanding that they fire Ayloush, but that would be a waste of time since they fully have his back. After all, Ayloush's feelings are their feelings.
So let Ayloush cry all he wants about Israel's denial of entry to two fellow anti-Semites. Let him march with JVP and quote Marxist fools like Bernie Sanders. He stands with those who want to wipe Israel off the face of the map. He and his ilk have lost this round.
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