
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Hey Portland! You Have a Potential Sister City in France

Hat tip Jihad Watch

As we are shaking our heads in wonder at the spectacle in Portland, where an Antifa mob brutally attacked a young journalist named Andy Ngo while Portland's Finest were apparently parked at Dunkin Donuts per orders of their liberal mayor, we have an even more shocking report out of France, where a mob of Allahu Akhbarers attacked a police station. Once again, we have no reports of arrests.

I hope Mr Ngo sues the hell out of Portland. This is a beautiful city I once wanted to visit. Not now. It is the hub of Antifa, a leftist, violent gang of storm troopers who need to be rounded up and charged as soon as they initiate violence. Let them spend a few years in state prison. On the federal level, it is time for the FBI to investigate Antifa nationally as a criminal organization.

As far as France is concerned, they should have responded with deadly force right then and there.

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