
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Muslim American Society (Philadelphia) Trying to Come up with an Explanation

Hat tip Memri, IPT and Jihad Watch

"I regret the oversight, Mom."

The below article by Jihad Watch pretty much covers it all, both in content and editorial comment. Recently, the Muslim American Society (MAS)  filmed a Muslim children's event in Philadelphia in which the children were fed lines in Arabic (they lip-synced) that expressed the usual hate directed to Israelis in expressing support for Palestinians. There was even a reference to beheadings. Memri TV picked up a video of the performance last month and translated it.

Now the Muslim American Society (one of those organizations connected to the Muslim Brotherhood) has had to issue an apology  once it was revealed that their members had filmed the event and MAS posted it on their Facebook page (without really vetting  the video, you know).

Meanwhile,  the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has this article running on the matter, in which MAS denies responsibility for the video. On May 3, MAS claimed that it was a separate school renting space from MAS that was responsible.

Investigation? Oversight? Separate entity? It seems MAS is tripping over itself in trying to come up with an explanation. The fact is that they got caught red-handed. As the IPT article confirms, the MAS Leaders Academy and MAS not only share the same address but the same officers.

The MAS, which surely has plenty of members with fluent Arabic ability, put those words into those children's mouths. Those are their words and their thoughts. They are only going through these word gyrations because they got caught. There is only one possible conclusion.

That, Ladies and Gentlemen is a spade.

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