
Friday, May 3, 2019

CAIR California Subject of Discrimination Lawsuit

Hat tip Memri TV

"A former attorney at CAIR's California branch is suing the self-described civil rights group for wrongful termination, citing discrimination and accusing officials of anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and bigotry against non-Muslims."

This week, I attended two events at UC Irvine featuring CAIR officials, Zahra Billoo (CEO of Northern California chapter) and Hussam Ayloush (CEO of CAIR Southern California chapter). Both of these people advertise themselves as "human rights activists" though they will not say much of anything about human rights abuses being carried out in the name of Islam or how non-Muslims are treated in Muslim-majority countries.. On both occasions, I listened to a lot of rhetoric about discrimination, Muslim values, human rights, etc.

Now comes a  lawsuit by a former CAIR attorney who claims she was subjected to discrimination  (and eventual firing) because she was a female, a non-Muslim, and brought an American flag to work. Both Billoo and Ayloush are mentioned in the lawsuit.

"Anti-American sentiment was apparently rife. According to Arani, Zahra Billoo – director of CAIR California's San Francisco Bay Area banch (CAIR-SFBA) – objected to a picture of Arani that featured the American flag. Arani even claims the flag was subsequently photoshopped out, for use in a CAIR-SFBA publication."

"Arani claims to have complained about these issues to CAIR officials, including Hassam Ayloush, CEO of CAIR California. (Ayloush is a leading figure within CAIR, who, as Islamist Watch has previously reported, has called for Israel to be "terminated" and expressed support for convicted terror financiers.) According to Arani, Ayloush refused to respond to her concerns.

Both  Billoo and Ayloush like to talk about principles of equality, but the fact is that while accusing others of hate (like little ol' me), they all-too-often fail to live up to their own stated principles. I don't know the facts alleged in this lawsuit, but CAIR-not just in California, but all over the US- is an insidious organization that is filled with hate.

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