CAIR SoCal CEO Hussam "Hot Air" Ayloush (R) with Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al Qaradawi (L)
If this becomes a reality, which I hope it does, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) will be officially designated as what it is-a terror organization. The move is long overdue.
The MB is the fountain organization from which so many Islamic terror organizations, like Hamas, al Qaeda, and others have flowed. No doubt CAIR and many other Islamic organizations in the US will howl in protest. That is because CAIR is joined at the hip with the MB, and such a designation will open the doors to a much-needed investigation into CAIR, their funding, and their true agenda.
Tonight, CAIR's Southern California director, Hussam "Hot Air" Ayloush, will be speaking at UC Irvine on behalf of the UCI Muslim Student Union's annual week of Israel bashing. He follows on the footsteps of San Francisco dircetor Zahra Billoo, who refused to take questions Monday night from anyone other than friendly MSU students. The question is whether H.A. will also be shielded from critical questions from the community who will be attending this public event. It is quite possible that H.A. might be asked about this issue since he is a supporter of the MB as shown by the below photo of him in front of an MB solidarity poster.
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