
Friday, May 10, 2019

Adam Milstein on Islamophobia

Adam Milstein is an LA- based Israeli-American philanthropist who defends Israel and fights anti-Semitism. In this below op-ed in the Jerusalem Post, he speaks out against the weaponization of the misleading term, Islamophobia, and argues why it should not be able to shut down speech critical of extremist Islam.

I have chosen to cross-post this because it is refreshing to find an article that talks about anti-Semitism and doesn't shy away from naming Islam as a prime purveyor. Milstein makes it clear that he is not trying to smear all Muslims and that he abhors attacks against Muslims such as happened in New Zealand. That cannot change the fact that there are many bad actors out there, not only ISIS and Hamas, but the Muslim Brotherhood and their US front group, CAIR, a truly despicable group of characters who actually portray themselves as civil rights leaders while themsleves engaging in anti-Jewish discourse.

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