It appears that yesterday's attack upon a synagogue in Poway, California outside San Diego was carried out by a person similar to the ones who carried out attacks against the Pittsburgh synagogue, the two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and a mosque in Quebec. The suspect turns out to be a white nationalist, who has directed his anger and violence against Jews and/or Muslims. Those of us who have been documenting the attacks against Christians and Jews by Muslim extremists cannot ignore this aspect of the problem. White nationalism and hate against others is on the rise including here in America. Are there reasons for it after decades of progress in our country in these matters? One could mention illegal immigration (worldwide), Islamic terror, and the non-stop demonization of white people on college campuses, but they can never justify these kinds of attacks.
More than ever now, we are seeing places of worship being attacked worldwide, and Christians, Jews and Muslims are all being targeted. Europe, especially France, has seen a rash of attacks against churches in the last few years including the 2016 slaughter of a Catholic priest by two Muslims as he celebrated mass. As yet, we still don't know how to classify the Notre Dame fire. It was Muslim terrorists who carried out the horrible attack in Sri Lanka last week. Bad people everywhere have suddenly figured out that houses of worship should be the targets of opportunity. In Europe, Christmas markets are now also a special target by Muslim terrorists.
But we cannot single out only Muslims for blame. In the case of Christchurch and Quebec, mosques have been attacked with large loss of innocent life. In the case of Poway and Pittsburgh, the culprits have been white anti-Semitic nationalists. It all has to be condemned. And I, as a critic of Islamic teachings of hate and violence, must do my part.
Unlike (perhaps) California's left-wing governor, Gavin Newsome, who, in the wake of Poway, has tweeted out this message:
"Charleston, Pittsburgh, Quebec, New Zealand — now our own Poway, California.
No one should ever fear going to their place of worship. Hate continues to fuel horrific and cowardly acts of violence across our state, country, and world. It must be called out. CA stands with Poway."
Was the omission of Sri Lanka an oversight? Perhaps. To be fair, Newsome reminded me of the attack on a black church in Charleston.
Historically, anti-Semitism has come from all directions, and that continues to be the case. Catholicism has a long history of anti-Semitism, which it is trying to overcome in the modern age. Certain Protestant denominations like the Presbyterian Church USA, need to examine just why they work so tirelessly against Israel on behalf of the Palestinian cause. We all, including Muslims, need to confront our own contributions to this worldwide plague.
One thing is sure. All three major monotheistic religions are now seeing their places of worship being targeted for death and destruction. This needs to stop.
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