
Friday, April 19, 2019

More Anti-Semitism at UC Berkeley

Hat tip Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers

     The recently re-named Hitler Gate (formerly Sather Gate) at UC Berkeley

A group of Jewish organizations at UC Berkeley have signed a letter complaining about the blatant anti-Jewish expression that showed its ugly head at a student senate meeting this week. The meetiung was not even supposed to be about Israel.

When Hillel and J Street U sign onto the letter, things must be pretty bad.

This is par for the course at UC Berkeley and throughout the UC system under the inept leadership of Janet Napolitano. Berkeley, of course, has had a reputation for over 50 years as a center of left-wing nuttiness. In recent years, however, something much more insidious has taken over that campus. This goes far beyond criticism of Israel, which, on its surface, is as legitimate as criticism of any other country (although these characters will never complain about Israel's neighbors and their hideous human rights records). This is pure anti-Jewish sentiment which reigns supreme at UC Berkeley.

"Good news, mein Fuehrer. The UC Berkeley Student Senate is Judenrein." 


Dusty said...

You called it- it groups like J street and Chabad join together in unity, its pretty bad out there

Gary Fouse said...

Dusty, Keep up the good fight up there. By the way, on April 29, your old pal, Zahra Billoo, is speaking at UC Irvine for the Muslim Student Union's week of anti-Israel hate.