It's too bad that we only see Muslims like Keith Ellison, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib in political office. Or maybe we should just see it for what it is. If they are the example of what we can expect from Muslim politicians, we have problems ahead.
Now we have another Muslim running for office in Florida (Democrat, naturally). His name is Imtiaz Mohammad, and he just became an American citizen four years ago arriving here from Pakistan. Unfortunately, our recent fellow-citizen does not appear to think much of his adopted country. In the below-linked video, Mohammad says that "America is run on hate" and "Americans are the most uneducated people in the world".
Apparently, this mope is running unopposed in the Democrat primary. Is that the best they can find?
I also find it curious that Mohammad, coming from a hellhole like Pakistan, thinks that Americans are the most uneducated people in the world. This is the country where a Christian woman like Asia Bibi is in hiding for her life because she was just released from spending several years in prison under a death sentence for alleged "blasphemy", and howling mobs are demanding her death since a judge overturned the conviction. A place where Christians are regularly attacked.

Another anti-Christian attack in Pakistan by "educated" Pakistanis
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