
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Jeremy Corbyn, George Galloway and Hugo Chavez

Image result for jeremy corbyn and hugo chavez
Jeremy Corbyn and Hugo Chavez (in happier times)

In the past couple of weeks, with the on-going violence and tragedy unfolding in Venezuela, we have reminded our readers how Hollywood actors and directors gave so much support to Hugo Chavez and his dictator-successor, Nicolas Maduro.

Let us also not forget how British fools like politicians George Galloway and the notorious anti-semite leader of the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn grieved over Chavez's passing in  2013.

George Galloway (on left)

There is more. Here is what boob Galloway wrote in The Independent when Chavez died.

In the below Express article, you can see a video of Corbyn schmoozing long distance with Maduro in 2014.

We call them "useful idiots". In the case of Corbyn, it is actually possible that this useful idiot will be Britain's next prime minister. In that case, Britain will have to change its national anthem to "God Save Us All".

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