
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

CAIR's Chicago Confab

Hat tip Amy Mek and Vlad Tepes

The unindicted co-conspirators of CAIR held their annual whoopie in Chicago last week, and two of the "headline" speakers were Hassan Shibly of their Florida branch, who took time off from trying to get ISIS moll Hoda Muthana back into the country, and Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who took time off from seeking out African-American "props" to attack in Washington.

Vlad Tepes has posted excerpts sent in by Ami Mek, of both characters speaking to the assembled co-conspirators. Tlaib, for her part, didn't disappoint, telling the peanut gallery that Jesus "was born in (her mother's country) Palestine" and that "the Muslims are coming".

As for CAIR in Chicago, they had to take time off from shaking down the Cubs (after the team's patriarch, Joe Ricketts, made some uncomplimentary comments about Islam) in order to host the national confab. As for Tlaib's comment about Jesus, that's like me saying George Washington was born in the Lost City of Atlantis, my Dad's home town.

On a more serious note, Tlaib, who is, indeed, the first Palestinian elected to Congress, has wasted no time in embarrassing her community since arriving in Washington.

Later this month, Shibly will be out here in Southern California appearing at yet another CAIR fundraiser with yet another"'trailblazer", Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who is busy embarassing her own constituency, the "Little Moghadishu"area of Minneapolis with her anti-Jewish comments.

Just a side note here, but has anyone noticed that CAIR and other like-minded organizations are constantly holding fundraising events? One wonders where all that $$$$ money goes.

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