
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

YouTube and German Media Censorship of German School Bullying

Hat tip Vlad Tepes

* Translation by Fousesquawk

The below link from Vlad Tepes is self-explanatory. Vlad Tepes posted a German news article with English sub-titles on YouTube. As a result, the video was restricted by YouTube for offensive content. Offensive content? It reported a problem in a Berlin area school district (Reinickendorf) where children are being attacked and bullied by classmates (not further identified). One child committed suicide as a result of the abuse. Concerned parents accuse local authorities of covering up the problem. The school involved actually removed a makeshift memorial to the 11-year-old child who had committed suicide. Though not mentioned in the video, it is obvious that the perpetrators are migrant children.

And YouTube restricted this video? See for yourself.

So we have Facebook censoring information. We have Twitter notifying users in Canada and Australia that they are violating Pakistani laws by posting negative information on Saudi Arabia, and on it goes.

Meanwhile, the German newspapers, while reporting the story at great length, and while discussing the problem of bullying in detail, go to even greater lengths not to talk about who the bullies are. I have read almost a dozen German newspaper reports on this story and not one talks about who the perpetrators are. Below is one example from Tagespiegel:

Not one mention of who the bullies are. There is a hint, however:

"Anlass für die Erfindung des Programms waren mehrere Fälle von religiösem Mobbing. Opfer waren jüdische Schüler und junge Menschen."

"The motive for the creation of the program was (because of) more cases of religious bullying. Victims were Jewish students and young people."

To learn more, we need to go to Alternatif fuer Deutschland, a center-right party that opposes unrestricted immigration and the Islamization of Germany.

"Dazu der Vorsitzende der AfD-Fraktion in der Hamburgischen Bürgerschaft Dr. Alexander Wolf: „Wir benötigen ein umfassendes Lagebild an den Schulen. Alle Fälle von religiösem Mobbing müssen erfasst werden, damit wir eine ausreichende Datengrundlage haben, um dieser Problematik zu begegnen. Die jüngsten Vorfälle aus Berlin deuten darauf hin, dass sich Antisemitismus heutzutage vor allem in der muslimischen Bevölkerungsgruppe findet – und dass sich dieses Problem mit der jüngsten muslimischen Masseneinwanderung verschärft hat."

-To this end, the chairman of the AfD fraction in the Hamburg State, Dr Alexander Wolf: "We need a comprehensive picture of the situation in the schools. All cases of religious bullying must be recorded, so that we have a sufficient database to confront this difficult problem. The most recent cases out of Berlin indicate that anti-semitism is most predominently found today in the Muslim groups and this problem has increased with the recent mass Muslim immigration."

Let's say it plainly:  All over the Western world, people in charge are trying to restrict their respective publics from hearing troubling reports regarding Muslim migrants and refugees. The problems in German schools involve Muslim children. Yet the German media refuses to report it and YouTube restricts viewing of a sub-titled German news video.

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