
Sunday, February 10, 2019

"You Look at What Happened Last Night in Sweden"

Hat tip Vlad Tepes and Nicolai Sennels

President Trump took a lot of heat when he made that statement. (He was actually referring to a Fox News report about Sweden that aired the previous evening.) Meanwhile, last night (in the afternoon to be more precise) another bomb went off, this time in a  residence in the southern Stockholm area of Vårberg, apparently, the home of one of those no-go zones. I say "another" because  Malmö  has been having a rash of myserious bombings in their famed Rosengård no-go zone.

Vlad Tepes has a report from a Swedish observer (Nicolai Sennels)  as well as the report on the bomb that killed one person (apparently, the bomb-maker).

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