
Saturday, February 16, 2019

USC Task Force Against "Pain Causing Buildings"

Hat tip The College Fix

The University of Southern California has created a task force (pictured above) to rid itself of buildings whose names "cause pain". Presumably, the buildings will not be torn down, rather just given new names.

"According to the Daily Trojan, one of the top targets of student ire is the Von KleinSmid Center. It’s named after the university’s fifth president, Rufus B. Von KleinSmid, “an active member of the eugenics movement who advocated for forced sterilization practices.”

Yes! Von KleinSmid has to go. May I suggest the building be renamed after Margaret Sanger, the founder of the predecessor agency of Planned Parenthood. She was also a eugenics enthusiastic who promoted abortion as a means of decreasing the black population. How do much you want to bet that some enterprising trickster at USC could ram that through?

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