
Thursday, February 14, 2019

EU Hack Insults Italian Government

Hat tip Gates of Vienna, Vlad Tepes and HeHa for translation

This past week, Guy Verhofstadt, a member of the European Parliament, took the floor and insulted Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to his face. He also insulted the entire Italian government over their unwillingness to continue receiving boatloads of Africans and for not bending to the will of the EU.

Verhofstadt is a Belgian who should be more concerned about his own country than Italy. Brussels is an operational haven for terrorists who are congregated in the no-go area of Molenbeek. And this hack has the gall to insult the Italian government? Instead of standing up and insulting Italy, the boob should be paying a visit to the nearest barbershop. He is in bad need of a haircut (and a new style).

And isn't it amazing how all this unrestricted Muslim migration into Western Europe, which has already torn asunder the social fabric of the respective countires, is now destroying the relationship among the member nations?

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